Bob Cooper
Inventor of the Wall
Climb and is the oldest ancestor of the Cooper family who was active in the
prehistoric Ice Age.
Sly and the gang accidentally ended up in the Ice Age by
using Murray's bone necklace as a maneuver to escape their plummeting crash in
the Wild West.
While figuring where they are, the gang finds The Grizz
capturing a prehistoric raccoon.
After rescuing him, they name him Bob after
they try asking for his name, and he responds with gibberish.
Before the
Grizz's arrival, Bob was the "greatest egg thief" and his tribe's food provider
by stealing Pterodactyl eggs.
However, after the Grizz
harvested the eggs, the prehistoric raccoon fell in a slump and got out of
climbing shape.
Murray helps Bob get back into shape while they take down The
During the climax in Le Paradox's blimp, Bob and the other ancestors
arrive to retrieve thier canes and return to their timelines.
Despite his
size and strength, Bob is very friendly towards Sly and the gang.
His weapon
is a spear attached with a giant sharp tooth resembling a cane.
While his
cane was stolen, his temporary weapon was a giant bone.
His special ability
is his super-strength, which allows him to slam hard and climb walls.
He can
also produce a wild yell to scare away enemies and roll around in a ball as an