Carmelita Montoya Fox


Carmelita is a fourth generation cop working for Interpol.
Fruitlessly hunting the Cooper gang for years land always one step behind, she never managed to catch them.
Her interest in Sly borders on obssive, and it's possible there's more to it than meets the eye.

Carmelita has been on Sly's case since day one, chasing after them with her shock pistol.
Being the latest in a line of cops, she has a very black and white view on the law.
Anyone who breaks the law in any way must be brought to justice.

However, she too has broken the law by fleeing the cops during her brief period of suspected criminal activity.
Carmelita has helped the Cooper Gang defeat Clockwerk twice, and was responsible for the destruction of the Hate Chip.

Carmelita is very emotional, and despite her ignorance of Sly's flirting, she does appear to have feelings toward him-very positive feelings.
Carmelita acts justly to her captives.
As evident when she offers Murray a bag of jelly beans during his captivity and ensures that he is comfortable in his makeshift cell.
Carmelita is very devoted to her line of work, and must keep her emotions under control in order to keep her temper in check.
Although Carmelita obsesses over trying to arrest Sly, she does harbor some respect for him and more.

Despite returning to Interpol, Carmelita still stands as an ally to the Cooper Gang.
Knowing Sly is still out there and, just like Bentley and Murray, has promised herself that she will find Sly.