General Tsao


A surprisingly young man for one with such power and wealth.
He is obsessed with his family line, beleiving it superior to all others.

He tricks the Panda King into taking up peaceful meditation, thus allowing him to abduct the Panda King's daughter, Jing King.
With the Panda King in exile, Tsao plans to marry Jing King and merge his blood line with that of the Panda King to unleash a new generation of Kings upon the world.

Tsao proves extremely intelligent and powerful, managing to steal the ThiefNet computer.
After Sly defeats him, despite his razor shield and black magic, Tsao makes every effort to eradicate him.
He summons vampires, dragon spirits, and a master computer avatar to delay the gang.

When they manage to destroy his treasure temple, he summons forth a mighty dragon.
This dragon is defeated, but Tsao escapes.

Because Tsao was unaware that the gang had rescued Jing King, he was unprepared for what happened at the wedding.
Carmelita, who had overheard Sly talking about a bride, had taken Jing King's place hoping to bust him.
Sly escaped, but Tsao was sent to prison by Carmelita nonetheless.